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The Beer Page


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Beer is of all times and of all places: the perfect thirst quencher, a drink that has conquered the entire world. From Leffe Abbey to the Kobanya Brewery in Budapest; from home brewery Daan in Utrecht to beer multinational Heineken; beer is brewed in thousands of places in Europe. And the gold-yellow drink is consumed in even more places: for some it's a simple thirst quencher, while for others it's a veritable passion. Some enjoy and consume, others taste and collect ...... Beer Encyclopedia by B. Verhoef

How could anyone create a web site and not have a little corner dedicated to a subject that has been such an enjoyable part of one's life. From comforting real ales by log fires in cozy British pubs to the years imbibing Weiss beer in Bavarian beer gardens, beer has been a constant companion. So this page will be dedicated to all things beer - any suggestions for additions, links, pictures are always welcome.


Warning - keep your chimps out of the pub

Feb 11, 2004 - Officials report beer contributes to the threat chimpanzees sometimes present in western Uganda. The chimps have been raiding illegal brewing operations in forested river valleys and getting drunk on the country beer. Once intoxicated, they become hostile and attack and at times kill human children, parks officials say.


Some Jokes to while away the odd times when you need to look busy but can't be bothered to do any real work - not that it would ever happen of course


Some interesting Beer sites

The Munich beer drinkers guide. Self proclaimed home to the Munich beer drinker. This site includes some very nice shots of Munich beer gardens and, for those of us who have lived there, brings back memories of long summers and cool beers!

A beer guide to south west Germany, unfortunately does not cover Bavaria

A general guide to Munich but also useful for dates of fests, events and places of interest

And now something to eat. How about authentic German sausage from America (only joking!).

Munich night life?

And a word from the Americans. Another beer that brings back plenty of memories (and is probably responsible for erasing a few as well), good 'ol Sam Adams

And for those that prefer a more Gaelic feel there's always Mr. Guinness

The Campaign for Real Ale, striving to educate those who still think; because a beer comes in a strange bottle with a lime stuck in the top its worth paying over the odds for

A site that rates beer. Has thousands of entries from all over the world. Interesting to note Erdinger gets 2 stars (really bad) while Flensburger gets 5 (bloody excellent). Who would have thought it?. Also note that Gruenbacher is not rated - there's a job for somebody



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